Source code for podaac.subsetter.subset

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Functions related to subsetting a NetCDF file.

import datetime
import functools
import json
import operator
import os
from shutil import copy

import cf_xarray as cfxr
import geopandas as gpd
import h5py
import importlib_metadata
import julian
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.ops import transform

from podaac.subsetter import dimension_cleanup as dc
from podaac.subsetter import xarray_enhancements as xre

SERVICE_NAME = 'l2ss-py'

[docs]def apply_scale_offset(scale, offset, value): """Apply scale and offset to the given value""" return (value + offset) / scale
[docs]def remove_scale_offset(value, scale, offset): """Remove scale and offset from the given value""" return (value * scale) - offset
[docs]def convert_bound(bound, coord_max, coord_var): """ This function will return a converted bound which which matches the range of the given input file. Parameters ---------- bound : np.array 1-dimensional 2-element numpy array which represent the lower and upper bounding box on this coordinate, respectively. coord_max : integer The max value which is possible given this coordinate. For example, the max for longitude is 360. coord_var : xarray.DataArray The xarray variable for some coordinate. Returns ------- np.array 1-dimensional 2-element number array which represents the lower and upper bounding box on this coordinate and has been converted based on the valid bounds coordinate range of the dataset. Notes ----- Assumption that 0 is always on the prime meridian/equator. """ scale = coord_var.attrs.get('scale_factor', 1.0) offset = coord_var.attrs.get('add_offset', 0.0) valid_min = coord_var.attrs.get('valid_min', None) if valid_min is None or valid_min > 0: # If coord var doesn't contain valid min, attempt to find # manually. Note: Given the perfect storm, this could still fail # to find the actual bounds. # Filter out _FillValue from data before calculating min and max fill_value = coord_var.attrs.get('_FillValue', None) var_values = coord_var.values if fill_value: var_values = np.where(var_values != fill_value, var_values, np.nan) var_min = np.nanmin(var_values) var_max = np.nanmax(var_values) if 0 <= var_min <= var_max <= (coord_max / scale): valid_min = 0 # If the file coords are 0 --> max if valid_min == 0: bound = (bound + coord_max) % coord_max # If the right/top bound is 0, set to max. if bound[1] == 0: bound[1] = coord_max # If edges are the same, assume it wraps and return all if bound[0] == bound[1]: bound = np.array([0, coord_max]) # If the file longitude is -coord_max/2 --> coord_max/2 if valid_min != 0: # If edges are the same, assume it wraps and return all if bound[0] == bound[1]: bound = np.array([-(coord_max / 2), coord_max / 2]) # Calculate scale and offset so the bounds match the coord data return apply_scale_offset(scale, offset, bound)
[docs]def convert_bbox(bbox, dataset, lat_var_name, lon_var_name): """ This function will return a converted bbox which matches the range of the given input file. This will convert both the latitude and longitude range. For example, an input dataset can have a valid longitude range of -180 --> 180 or of 0 --> 360. Parameters ---------- bbox : np.array The bounding box dataset : xarray.Dataset The dataset which is being subset. lat_var_name : str Name of the lat variable in the given dataset lon_var_name : str Name of the lon variable in the given dataset Returns ------- bbox : np.array The new bbox which matches latitude and longitude ranges of the input file. Notes ----- Assumption that the provided bounding box is always between -180 --> 180 for longitude and -90, 90 for latitude. """ return np.array([convert_bound(bbox[0], 360, dataset[lon_var_name]), convert_bound(bbox[1], 180, dataset[lat_var_name])])
[docs]def set_json_history(dataset, cut, file_to_subset, bbox=None, shapefile=None, origin_source=None): """ Set the 'json_history' metadata header of the granule to reflect the current version of the subsetter, as well as the parameters used to call the subsetter. This will append an json array to the json_history of the following format: Parameters ---------- dataset : xarray.Dataset The dataset to change the header of bbox : np.ndarray The requested bounding box file_to_subset : string The filepath of the file which was used to subset cut : boolean True to cut the scanline shapefile : str Name of the shapefile to include in the version history """ params = f'cut={cut}' if bbox is not None: params = f'bbox={bbox.tolist()} {params}' elif shapefile is not None: params = f'shapefile={shapefile} {params}' history_json = dataset.attrs.get('history_json', []) if history_json: history_json = json.loads(history_json) if origin_source: derived_from = origin_source else: derived_from = os.path.basename(file_to_subset) new_history_json = { "date_time":, "derived_from": derived_from, "program": SERVICE_NAME, "version": importlib_metadata.distribution(SERVICE_NAME).version, "parameters": params, "program_ref": "", "$schema": "" } history_json.append(new_history_json) dataset.attrs['history_json'] = json.dumps(history_json)
[docs]def set_version_history(dataset, cut, bbox=None, shapefile=None): """ Set the 'history' metadata header of the granule to reflect the current version of the subsetter, as well as the parameters used to call the subsetter. This will append a line to the history of the following format: TIMESTAMP podaac.subsetter VERSION (PARAMS) Parameters ---------- dataset : xarray.Dataset The dataset to change the header of bbox : np.ndarray The requested bounding box cut : boolean True to cut the scanline shapefile : str Name of the shapefile to include in the version history """ version = importlib_metadata.distribution(SERVICE_NAME).version history = dataset.attrs.get('history', "") timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() params = f'cut={cut}' if bbox is not None: params = f'bbox={bbox.tolist()} {params}' elif shapefile is not None: params = f'shapefile={shapefile} {params}' history += f"\n{timestamp} {SERVICE_NAME} v{version} ({params})" dataset.attrs['history'] = history.strip()
[docs]def calculate_chunks(dataset): """ For the given dataset, calculate if the size on any dimension is worth chunking. Any dimension larger than 4000 will be chunked. This is done to ensure that the variable can fit in memory. Parameters ---------- dataset : xarray.Dataset The dataset to calculate chunks for. Returns ------- dict The chunk dictionary, where the key is the dimension and the value is 4000 or 500 depending on how many dimensions. """ if len(dataset.dims) <= 3: chunk = {dim: 4000 for dim in dataset.dims if dataset.dims[dim] > 4000 and len(dataset.dims) > 1} else: chunk = {dim: 500 for dim in dataset.dims if dataset.dims[dim] > 500} return chunk
[docs]def find_matching_coords(dataset, match_list): """ As a backup for finding a coordinate var, look at the 'coordinates' metadata attribute of all data vars in the granule. Return any coordinate vars that have name matches with the provided 'match_list' Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset to search data variable coordinate metadata attribute match_list : list (str) List of possible matches to search for. For example, ['lat', 'latitude'] would search for variables in the 'coordinates' metadata attribute containing either 'lat' or 'latitude' Returns ------- list (str) List of matching coordinate variables names """ coord_attrs = [ var.attrs['coordinates'] for var_name, var in dataset.data_vars.items() if 'coordinates' in var.attrs ] coord_attrs = list(set(coord_attrs)) match_coord_vars = [] for coord_attr in coord_attrs: coords = coord_attr.split(' ') match_vars = [ coord for coord in coords if any(coord_cand in coord for coord_cand in match_list) ] if match_vars and match_vars[0] in dataset: # Check if the var actually exists in the dataset match_coord_vars.append(match_vars[0]) return match_coord_vars
[docs]def compute_coordinate_variable_names(dataset): """ Given a dataset, determine the coordinate variable from a list of options Parameters ---------- dataset: xr.Dataset The dataset to find the coordinate variables for Returns ------- tuple, str Tuple of strings, where the first element is the lat coordinate name and the second element is the lon coordinate name """ dataset = xr.decode_cf(dataset) # look for lon and lat using standard name in coordinates and axes custom_criteria = { "latitude": { "standard_name": "latitude|projection_y_coordinate", }, "longitude": { "standard_name": "longitude|projection_x_coordinate", } } possible_lat_coord_names = ['lat', 'latitude', 'y'] possible_lon_coord_names = ['lon', 'longitude', 'x'] def var_is_coord(var_name, possible_coord_names): var_name = var_name.strip(GROUP_DELIM).split(GROUP_DELIM)[-1] return var_name.lower() in possible_coord_names lat_coord_names = list(filter( lambda var_name: var_is_coord(var_name, possible_lat_coord_names), dataset.variables)) lon_coord_names = list(filter( lambda var_name: var_is_coord(var_name, possible_lon_coord_names), dataset.variables)) if len(lat_coord_names) < 1 or len(lon_coord_names) < 1: lat_coord_names = find_matching_coords(dataset, possible_lat_coord_names) lon_coord_names = find_matching_coords(dataset, possible_lon_coord_names) # Couldn't find lon lat in data variables look in coordinates if len(lat_coord_names) < 1 or len(lon_coord_names) < 1: with cfxr.set_options(custom_criteria=custom_criteria): lat_coord_names ='latitude', []) lon_coord_names ='longitude', []) if len(lat_coord_names) < 1 or len(lon_coord_names) < 1: raise ValueError('Could not determine coordinate variables') return lat_coord_names, lon_coord_names
[docs]def is_360(lon_var, scale, offset): """ Determine if given dataset is a '360' dataset or not. Parameters ---------- lon_var : xr.DataArray The lon variable from the xarray Dataset scale : float Used to remove scale and offset for easier calculation offset : float Used to remove scale and offset for easier calculation Returns ------- bool True if dataset is 360, False if not. Defaults to False. """ valid_min = lon_var.attrs.get('valid_min', None) if valid_min is None or valid_min > 0: var_min = remove_scale_offset(np.amin(lon_var.values), scale, offset) var_max = remove_scale_offset(np.amax(lon_var.values), scale, offset) if var_min < 0: return False if var_max > 180: return True if valid_min == 0: return True if valid_min < 0: return False return False
[docs]def get_spatial_bounds(dataset, lat_var_names, lon_var_names): """ Get the spatial bounds for this dataset. These values are masked and scaled. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset to retrieve spatial bounds for lat_var_name : str Name of the lat variable lon_var_name : str Name of the lon variable Returns ------- np.array [[lon min, lon max], [lat min, lat max]] """ lat_var_name = lat_var_names[0] if len(lat_var_names) == 1 else [ lat_name for lat_name in lat_var_names if lat_name in dataset.data_vars.keys() ][0] lon_var_name = lon_var_names[0] if len(lon_var_names) == 1 else [ lon_name for lon_name in lon_var_names if lon_name in dataset.data_vars.keys() ][0] # Get scale from coordinate variable metadata attributes lat_scale = dataset[lat_var_name].attrs.get('scale_factor', 1.0) lon_scale = dataset[lon_var_name].attrs.get('scale_factor', 1.0) lat_offset = dataset[lat_var_name].attrs.get('add_offset', 0.0) lon_offset = dataset[lon_var_name].attrs.get('add_offset', 0.0) lon_valid_min = dataset[lon_var_name].attrs.get('valid_min', None) lat_fill_value = dataset[lat_var_name].attrs.get('_FillValue', None) lon_fill_value = dataset[lon_var_name].attrs.get('_FillValue', None) # Apply mask and scale to min/max coordinate variables to get # spatial bounds # Remove fill value. Might cause errors when getting min and max lats = dataset[lat_var_name].values.flatten() lons = dataset[lon_var_name].values.flatten() if lat_fill_value: lats = list(filter(lambda a: not a == lat_fill_value, lats)) if lon_fill_value: lons = list(filter(lambda a: not a == lon_fill_value, lons)) if len(lats) == 0 or len(lons) == 0: return None min_lat = remove_scale_offset(np.nanmin(lats), lat_scale, lat_offset) max_lat = remove_scale_offset(np.nanmax(lats), lat_scale, lat_offset) min_lon = remove_scale_offset(np.nanmin(lons), lon_scale, lon_offset) max_lon = remove_scale_offset(np.nanmax(lons), lon_scale, lon_offset) min_lat = round(min_lat, 1) max_lat = round(max_lat, 1) min_lon = round(min_lon, 1) max_lon = round(max_lon, 1) # Convert longitude to [-180,180] format if lon_valid_min == 0 or 0 <= min_lon <= max_lon <= 360: if min_lon > 180: min_lon -= 360 if max_lon > 180: max_lon -= 360 if min_lon == max_lon: min_lon = -180 max_lon = 180 return np.array([[min_lon, max_lon], [min_lat, max_lat]])
[docs]def compute_time_variable_name(dataset, lat_var): """ Try to determine the name of the 'time' variable. This is done as follows: - The variable name contains 'time' - The variable dimensions match the dimensions of the given lat var Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset: xarray dataset to find time variable from lat_var : xr.Variable Lat variable for this dataset Returns ------- str The name of the variable Raises ------ ValueError If the time variable could not be determined """ time_vars = find_matching_coords(dataset, ['time']) if time_vars: # There should only be one time var match (this is called once # per lat var) return time_vars[0] # Filter variables with 'time' in the name to avoid extra work time_vars = list(filter(lambda var_name: 'time' in var_name, dataset.dims.keys())) for var_name in time_vars: if "time" in var_name and dataset[var_name].squeeze().dims == lat_var.squeeze().dims: return var_name for var_name in list(dataset.data_vars.keys()): if "time" in var_name and dataset[var_name].squeeze().dims == lat_var.squeeze().dims: return var_name for var_name in list(dataset.data_vars.keys()): if 'time' in var_name.lower() and dataset[var_name].squeeze().dims[0] in lat_var.squeeze().dims: return var_name raise ValueError('Unable to determine time variable')
[docs]def get_time_epoch_var(dataset, time_var_name): """ Get the name of the epoch time var. This is only needed in the case where there is a single time var (of size 1) that contains the time epoch used by the actual time var. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset that contains time var time_var_name : str The name of the actual time var (with matching dims to the coord vars) Returns ------- str The name of the epoch time variable """ time_var = dataset[time_var_name] if 'comment' in time_var.attrs: epoch_var_name = time_var.attrs['comment'].split('plus')[0].strip() elif 'time' in dataset.variables.keys() and time_var_name != 'time': epoch_var_name = 'time' elif any('time' in s for s in list(dataset.variables.keys())) and time_var_name != 'time': for i in list(dataset.variables.keys()): group_list = i.split(GROUP_DELIM) if group_list[-1] == 'time': epoch_var_name = i break return epoch_var_name else: raise ValueError('Unable to determine time variables') return epoch_var_name
[docs]def is_time_mjd(dataset, time_var_name): """ Check to see if the time format is a time delta from a modified julian date. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset that contains time var time_var_name : str The name of the actual time var (with matching dims to the coord vars) Returns ------- boolean is time delta format in modified julian date """ time_var = dataset[time_var_name] if 'comment' in time_var.attrs: if 'Modified Julian Day' in time_var.attrs['comment']: return True return False
[docs]def translate_timestamp(str_timestamp): """ Translate timestamp to datetime object Parameters ---------- str_timestamp : str Timestamp string. ISO or RFC Returns ------- datetime Constructed Datetime object """ allowed_ts_formats = [ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%Z', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', ] for timestamp_format in allowed_ts_formats: try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(str_timestamp, timestamp_format) except ValueError: pass return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(str_timestamp)
[docs]def datetime_from_mjd(dataset, time_var_name): """ Translate the modified julian date from the long name in the time attribute. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset that contains time var time_var_name : str The name of the actual time var (with matching dims to the coord vars) Returns ------- datetime the datetime of the modified julian date """ time_var = dataset[time_var_name] if 'long_name' in time_var.attrs: mdj_string = time_var.attrs['long_name'] mjd = mdj_string[mdj_string.find("(") + 1:mdj_string.find(")")].split("= ")[1] try: mjd_float = float(mjd) except ValueError: return None mjd_datetime = julian.from_jd(mjd_float, fmt='mjd') return mjd_datetime return None
[docs]def build_temporal_cond(min_time, max_time, dataset, time_var_name): """ Build the temporal condition used in the xarray 'where' call which drops data not in the given bounds. If the data in the time var is of type 'datetime', assume this is a normal case where the time var uses the epoch from the 'units' metadata attribute to get epoch. If the data in the time var is of type 'timedelta', the epoch var is needed to calculate the datetime. Parameters ---------- min_time : str ISO timestamp representing the lower temporal bound max_time : str ISO timestamp representing the upper temporal bound dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset to build the condition off of time_var_name : str Name of the time variable Returns ------- np.array or boolean If temporally subsetted, returns a boolean ND-array the shape of which matches the dimensions of the coordinate vars. 'True' is essentially a noop. """ def build_cond(str_timestamp, compare): timestamp = translate_timestamp(str_timestamp) if np.issubdtype(dataset[time_var_name].dtype, np.dtype(np.datetime64)): timestamp = pd.to_datetime(timestamp) if np.issubdtype(dataset[time_var_name].dtype, np.dtype(np.timedelta64)): if is_time_mjd(dataset, time_var_name): # mjd when timedelta based on mjd_datetime = datetime_from_mjd(dataset, time_var_name) if mjd_datetime is None: raise ValueError('Unable to get datetime from dataset to calculate time delta') # timedelta between timestamp and mjd timestamp = np.datetime64(timestamp) - np.datetime64(mjd_datetime) else: epoch_time_var_name = get_time_epoch_var(dataset, time_var_name) epoch_datetime = dataset[epoch_time_var_name].values[0] timestamp = np.datetime64(timestamp) - epoch_datetime return compare(dataset[time_var_name], timestamp) temporal_conds = [] if min_time: comparison_op = temporal_conds.append(build_cond(min_time, comparison_op)) if max_time: comparison_op = operator.le temporal_conds.append(build_cond(max_time, comparison_op)) temporal_cond = True if min_time or max_time: temporal_cond = functools.reduce(lambda cond_a, cond_b: cond_a & cond_b, temporal_conds) return temporal_cond
[docs]def subset_with_bbox(dataset, lat_var_names, lon_var_names, time_var_names, variables=None, bbox=None, cut=True, min_time=None, max_time=None): """ Subset an xarray Dataset using a spatial bounding box. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset to subset lat_var_names : list Name of the latitude variables in the given dataset lon_var_names : list Name of the longitude variables in the given dataset time_var_names : list Name of the time variables in the given dataset bbox : np.array Spatial bounding box to subset Dataset with. cut : bool True if scanline should be cut. min_time : str ISO timestamp of min temporal bound max_time : str ISO timestamp of max temporal bound Returns ------- np.array Spatial bounds of Dataset after subset operation """ lon_bounds, lat_bounds = convert_bbox(bbox, dataset, lat_var_names[0], lon_var_names[0]) # condition should be 'or' instead of 'and' when bbox lon_min > lon_max oper = operator.and_ if lon_bounds[0] > lon_bounds[1]: oper = operator.or_ lat_var_prefix = [f'{GROUP_DELIM}{GROUP_DELIM.join(x.strip(GROUP_DELIM).split(GROUP_DELIM)[:-1])}' for x in lat_var_names] datasets = [] for lat_var_name, lon_var_name, time_var_name in zip( lat_var_names, lon_var_names, time_var_names ): if GROUP_DELIM in lat_var_name: var_prefix = GROUP_DELIM.join(lat_var_name.strip(GROUP_DELIM).split(GROUP_DELIM)[:-1]) group_vars = [ var for var in dataset.data_vars.keys() if var.startswith(f'{GROUP_DELIM}{var_prefix}') ] if variables: group_vars.extend([ var for var in dataset.data_vars.keys() if var in variables and var not in group_vars and not var.startswith(tuple(lat_var_prefix)) ]) else: group_vars.extend([ var for var in dataset.data_vars.keys() if var not in group_vars and not var.startswith(tuple(lat_var_prefix)) ]) else: group_vars = list(dataset.keys()) group_dataset = dataset[group_vars] # Calculate temporal conditions temporal_cond = build_temporal_cond(min_time, max_time, group_dataset, time_var_name) group_dataset = xre.where( group_dataset, oper( (group_dataset[lon_var_name] >= lon_bounds[0]), (group_dataset[lon_var_name] <= lon_bounds[1]) ) & (group_dataset[lat_var_name] >= lat_bounds[0]) & (group_dataset[lat_var_name] <= lat_bounds[1]) & temporal_cond, cut ) datasets.append(group_dataset) return datasets
[docs]def subset_with_shapefile(dataset, lat_var_name, lon_var_name, shapefile, cut, chunks): """ Subset an xarray Dataset using a shapefile Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset to subset lat_var_name : str Name of the latitude variable in the given dataset lon_var_name : str Name of the longitude variable in the given dataset shapefile : str Absolute path to the shapefile used to subset the given dataset cut : bool True if scanline should be cut. Returns ------- np.array Spatial bounds of Dataset after shapefile subset operation """ shapefile_df = gpd.read_file(shapefile) lat_scale = dataset[lat_var_name].attrs.get('scale_factor', 1.0) lon_scale = dataset[lon_var_name].attrs.get('scale_factor', 1.0) lat_offset = dataset[lat_var_name].attrs.get('add_offset', 0.0) lon_offset = dataset[lon_var_name].attrs.get('add_offset', 0.0) # If data is '360', convert shapefile to '360' as well. There is an # assumption that the shapefile is -180,180. if is_360(dataset[lon_var_name], lon_scale, lon_offset): # Transform def convert_180_to_360(lon, lat): return tuple(map(lambda value: value + 360 if value < 0 else value, lon)), lat geometries = [transform(convert_180_to_360, geometry) for geometry in shapefile_df.geometry] shapefile_df.geometry = geometries # Mask and scale shapefile def scale(lon, lat): lon = tuple(map(functools.partial(apply_scale_offset, lon_scale, lon_offset), lon)) lat = tuple(map(functools.partial(apply_scale_offset, lat_scale, lat_offset), lat)) return lon, lat geometries = [transform(scale, geometry) for geometry in shapefile_df.geometry] shapefile_df.geometry = geometries def in_shape(lon, lat): point = Point(lon, lat) point_in_shapefile = shapefile_df.contains(point) return point_in_shapefile.array[0] dask = "forbidden" if chunks: dask = "allowed" in_shape_vec = np.vectorize(in_shape) boolean_mask = xr.apply_ufunc(in_shape_vec, dataset[lon_var_name], dataset[lat_var_name], dask=dask) return xre.where(dataset, boolean_mask, cut)
[docs]def transform_grouped_dataset(nc_dataset, file_to_subset): """ Transform a netCDF4 Dataset that has groups to an xarray compatible dataset. xarray does not work with groups, so this transformation will flatten the variables in the dataset and use the group path as the new variable name. For example, data_01 > km > sst would become 'data_01__km__sst', where GROUP_DELIM is __. This same pattern is applied to dimensions, which are located under the appropriate group. They are renamed and placed in the root group. Parameters ---------- nc_dataset : nc.Dataset netCDF4 Dataset that contains groups Returns ------- nc.Dataset netCDF4 Dataset that does not contain groups and that has been flattened. """ # Close the existing read-only dataset and reopen in append mode nc_dataset.close() nc_dataset = nc.Dataset(file_to_subset, 'r+') dimensions = {} def walk(group_node, path): for key, item in group_node.items(): group_path = f'{path}{GROUP_DELIM}{key}' # If there are variables in this group, copy to root group # and then delete from current group if item.variables: # Copy variables to root group with new name for var_name, var in item.variables.items(): var_group_name = f'{group_path}{GROUP_DELIM}{var_name}' nc_dataset.variables[var_group_name] = var # Delete variables var_names = list(item.variables.keys()) for var_name in var_names: del item.variables[var_name] if item.dimensions: dims = list(item.dimensions.keys()) for dim_name in dims: new_dim_name = f'{group_path.replace("/", GROUP_DELIM)}{GROUP_DELIM}{dim_name}' item.dimensions[new_dim_name] = item.dimensions[dim_name] dimensions[new_dim_name] = item.dimensions[dim_name] item.renameDimension(dim_name, new_dim_name) # If there are subgroups in this group, call this function # again on that group. if item.groups: walk(item.groups, group_path) # Delete non-root groups group_names = list(group_node.keys()) for group_name in group_names: del group_node[group_name] for var_name in list(nc_dataset.variables.keys()): new_var_name = f'{GROUP_DELIM}{var_name}' nc_dataset.variables[new_var_name] = nc_dataset.variables[var_name] del nc_dataset.variables[var_name] walk(nc_dataset.groups, '') # Update the dimensions of the dataset in the root group nc_dataset.dimensions.update(dimensions) return nc_dataset
[docs]def recombine_grouped_datasets(datasets, output_file): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Given a list of xarray datasets, combine those datasets into a single netCDF4 Dataset and write to the disk. Each dataset has been transformed using its group path and needs to be un-transformed and placed in the appropriate group. Parameters ---------- datasets : list (xr.Dataset) List of xarray datasets to be combined output_file : str Name of the output file to write the resulting NetCDF file to. """ base_dataset = nc.Dataset(output_file, mode='w') for dataset in datasets: group_lst = [] for var_name in dataset.variables.keys(): # need logic if there is data in the top level not in a group group_lst.append('/'.join(var_name.split(GROUP_DELIM)[:-1])) group_lst = ['/' if group == '' else group for group in group_lst] groups = set(group_lst) for group in groups: base_dataset.createGroup(group) for dim_name in list(dataset.dims.keys()): new_dim_name = dim_name.split(GROUP_DELIM)[-1] dim_group = _get_nested_group(base_dataset, dim_name) dim_group.createDimension(new_dim_name, dataset.dims[dim_name]) # Rename variables _rename_variables(dataset, base_dataset) # Remove group vars from base dataset for var_name in list(base_dataset.variables.keys()): if GROUP_DELIM in var_name: del base_dataset.variables[var_name] # Remove group dims from base dataset for dim_name in list(base_dataset.dimensions.keys()): if GROUP_DELIM in dim_name: del base_dataset.dimensions[dim_name] # Copy global attributes base_dataset.setncatts(datasets[0].attrs) # Write and close base_dataset.close()
def _get_nested_group(dataset, group_path): nested_group = dataset for group in group_path.strip(GROUP_DELIM).split(GROUP_DELIM)[:-1]: nested_group = nested_group.groups[group] return nested_group def _rename_variables(dataset, base_dataset): for var_name in list(dataset.variables.keys()): new_var_name = var_name.split(GROUP_DELIM)[-1] var_group = _get_nested_group(base_dataset, var_name) variable = dataset.variables[var_name] var_dims = [x.split(GROUP_DELIM)[-1] for x in dataset.variables[var_name].dims] if np.issubdtype( dataset.variables[var_name].dtype, np.dtype(np.datetime64) ) or np.issubdtype( dataset.variables[var_name].dtype, np.dtype(np.timedelta64) ): # Use xarray datetime encoder cf_dt_coder = xr.coding.times.CFDatetimeCoder() encoded_var = cf_dt_coder.encode(dataset.variables[var_name]) variable = encoded_var var_attrs = variable.attrs fill_value = var_attrs.get('_FillValue') var_attrs.pop('_FillValue', None) comp_args = {"zlib": True, "complevel": 1} if variable.dtype == object: var_group.createVariable(new_var_name, 'S1', var_dims, fill_value=fill_value, **comp_args) elif variable.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]': var_group.createVariable(new_var_name, 'i4', var_dims, fill_value=fill_value, **comp_args) else: var_group.createVariable(new_var_name, variable.dtype, var_dims, fill_value=fill_value, **comp_args) # Copy attributes var_group.variables[new_var_name].setncatts(var_attrs) # Copy data var_group.variables[new_var_name].set_auto_maskandscale(False) var_group.variables[new_var_name][:] =
[docs]def h5file_transform(finput): """ Transform a h5py Dataset that has groups to an xarray compatible dataset. xarray does not work with groups, so this transformation will flatten the variables in the dataset and use the group path as the new variable name. For example, data_01 > km > sst would become 'data_01__km__sst', where GROUP_DELIM is __. Returns ------- nc.Dataset netCDF4 Dataset that does not contain groups and that has been flattened. """ data_new = h5py.File(finput, 'r+') del_group_list = list(data_new.keys()) has_groups = bool(data_new['/']) def walk_h5py(data_new, group): # flattens h5py file for key, item in data_new[group].items(): group_path = f'{group}{key}' if isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset): new_var_name = group_path.replace('/', '__') data_new[new_var_name] = data_new[group_path] del data_new[group_path] elif isinstance(item, h5py.Group): if len(list(item.keys())) == 0: new_group_name = group_path.replace('/', '__') data_new[new_group_name] = data_new[group_path] walk_h5py(data_new, data_new[group_path].name + '/') walk_h5py(data_new, for del_group in del_group_list: del data_new[del_group] finputnc = '.'.join(finput.split('.')[:-1]) + '.nc' data_new.close() # close the h5py dataset copy(finput, finputnc) # copy to a nc file nc_dataset = nc.Dataset(finputnc, mode='r') return nc_dataset, has_groups
[docs]def get_coordinate_variable_names(dataset, lat_var_names=None, lon_var_names=None, time_var_names=None): """ Retrieve coordinate variables for this dataset. If coordinate variables are provided, use those, Otherwise, attempt to determine coordinate variables manually. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset xarray Dataset used to compute coordinate variables manually. Only used if lat, lon, or time vars are not provided. lat_var_names : list List of latitude coordinate variables. lon_var_names : list List of longitude coordinate variables. time_var_names : list List of time coordinate variables. """ if not lat_var_names or not lon_var_names: lat_var_names, lon_var_names = compute_coordinate_variable_names(dataset) if not time_var_names: time_var_names = [ compute_time_variable_name( dataset, dataset[lat_var_name] ) for lat_var_name in lat_var_names ] return lat_var_names, lon_var_names, time_var_names
[docs]def subset(file_to_subset, bbox, output_file, variables=None, # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, disable=too-many-statements cut=True, shapefile=None, min_time=None, max_time=None, origin_source=None, lat_var_names=None, lon_var_names=None, time_var_names=None): """ Subset a given NetCDF file given a bounding box Parameters ---------- file_to_subset : string The location of the file which will be subset output_file : string The file path for the output of the subsetting operation. bbox : np.ndarray The chosen bounding box. This is a tuple of tuples formatted as such: ((west, east), (south, north)). The assumption is that the valid range is ((-180, 180), (-90, 90)). This will be transformed as appropriate if the actual longitude range is 0-360. shapefile : str Name of local shapefile used to subset given file. variables : list, str, optional List of variables to include in the resulting data file. NOTE: This will remove ALL variables which are not included in this list, including coordinate variables! cut : boolean True if the scanline should be cut, False if the scanline should not be cut. Defaults to True. min_time : str ISO timestamp representing the lower bound of the temporal subset to be performed. If this value is not provided, the granule will not be subset temporally on the lower bound. max_time : str ISO timestamp representing the upper bound of the temporal subset to be performed. If this value is not provided, the granule will not be subset temporally on the upper bound. lat_var_names : list List of variables that represent the latitude coordinate variables for this granule. This list will only contain more than one value in the case where there are multiple groups and different coordinate variables for each group. lon_var_names : list List of variables that represent the longitude coordinate variables for this granule. This list will only contain more than one value in the case where there are multiple groups and different coordinate variables for each group. time_var_names : list List of variables that represent the time coordinate variables for this granule. This list will only contain more than one value in the case where there are multiple groups and different coordinate variables for each group. """ file_extension = file_to_subset.split('.')[-1] if file_extension == 'he5': nc_dataset, has_groups = h5file_transform(file_to_subset) else: # Open dataset with netCDF4 first, so we can get group info nc_dataset = nc.Dataset(file_to_subset, mode='r') has_groups = bool(nc_dataset.groups) # If dataset has groups, transform to work with xarray if has_groups: nc_dataset = transform_grouped_dataset(nc_dataset, file_to_subset) nc_dataset = dc.remove_duplicate_dims(nc_dataset) if variables: variables = [x.replace('/', GROUP_DELIM) for x in variables] args = { 'decode_coords': False, 'mask_and_scale': False, 'decode_times': False } if min_time or max_time: args['decode_times'] = True with xr.open_dataset( xr.backends.NetCDF4DataStore(nc_dataset), **args ) as dataset: lat_var_names, lon_var_names, time_var_names = get_coordinate_variable_names( dataset=dataset, lat_var_names=lat_var_names, lon_var_names=lon_var_names, time_var_names=time_var_names ) chunks = calculate_chunks(dataset) if chunks: dataset = dataset.chunk(chunks) if variables: # Drop variables that aren't explicitly requested, except lat_var_name and # lon_var_name which are needed for subsetting variables_upper = [variable.upper() for variable in variables] vars_to_drop = [ var_name for var_name, var in dataset.data_vars.items() if var_name.upper() not in variables_upper and var_name not in lat_var_names and var_name not in lon_var_names and var_name not in time_var_names ] dataset = dataset.drop_vars(vars_to_drop) if shapefile: datasets = [ subset_with_shapefile(dataset, lat_var_names[0], lon_var_names[0], shapefile, cut, chunks) ] elif bbox is not None: datasets = subset_with_bbox( dataset=dataset, lat_var_names=lat_var_names, lon_var_names=lon_var_names, time_var_names=time_var_names, variables=variables, bbox=bbox, cut=cut, min_time=min_time, max_time=max_time ) else: raise ValueError('Either bbox or shapefile must be provided') spatial_bounds = [] for dataset in datasets: set_version_history(dataset, cut, bbox, shapefile) set_json_history(dataset, cut, file_to_subset, bbox, shapefile, origin_source) if has_groups: spatial_bounds.append(get_spatial_bounds( dataset=dataset, lat_var_names=lat_var_names, lon_var_names=lon_var_names )) else: encoding = {} compression = dict(zlib=True, complevel=5, _FillValue=None) if (min_time or max_time) and not all( dim_size == 1 for dim_size in dataset.dims.values()): encoding = { var_name: { 'units': nc_dataset.variables[var_name].__dict__['units'], 'zlib': True, "complevel": 5, "_FillValue": None } for var_name in time_var_names if 'units' in nc_dataset.variables[var_name].__dict__ } for var in dataset.data_vars: if var not in encoding: encoding[var] = compression if dataset[var].dtype == 'S1' and isinstance(dataset[var].attrs.get('_FillValue'), bytes): dataset[var].attrs['_FillValue'] = dataset[var].attrs['_FillValue'].decode('UTF-8') dataset.load().to_netcdf(output_file, 'w', encoding=encoding) if has_groups: recombine_grouped_datasets(datasets, output_file) # Check if the spatial bounds are all 'None'. This means the # subset result is empty. if any(bound is None for bound in spatial_bounds): return None return np.array([[ min(lon[0][0][0] for lon in zip(spatial_bounds)), max(lon[0][0][1] for lon in zip(spatial_bounds)) ], [ min(lat[0][1][0] for lat in zip(spatial_bounds)), max(lat[0][1][1] for lat in zip(spatial_bounds)) ]]) return get_spatial_bounds( dataset=dataset, lat_var_names=lat_var_names, lon_var_names=lon_var_names )