Source code for podaac.subsetter.subset_harmony

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Implementation of harmony-service-lib that invokes the Level 2 subsetter.
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from pystac import Asset

import harmony
import numpy as np
from harmony import BaseHarmonyAdapter
from harmony.util import download, stage, generate_output_filename, bbox_to_geometry

from podaac.subsetter import subset
from podaac.subsetter.subset import SERVICE_NAME


[docs]def podaac_to_harmony_bbox(bbox): """ Convert PO.DAAC bbox ((west, east), (south, north)) to Harmony bbox (west, south, east, north) Parameters ---------- bbox : np.array Podaac bbox Returns ------- array, int or float Harmony bbox """ return [bbox[0][0], bbox[1][0], bbox[0][1], bbox[1][1]]
[docs]def harmony_to_podaac_bbox(bbox): """ Convert Harmony bbox (west, south, east, north) to PO.DAAC bbox ((west, east), (south, north)) Parameters ---------- bbox : array Harmony bbox Returns ------- np.array PO.DAAC bbox """ return np.array(((bbox[0], bbox[2]), (bbox[1], bbox[3])))
[docs]class L2SubsetterService(BaseHarmonyAdapter): """ See for documentation and examples. """
[docs] def __init__(self, message, catalog=None, config=None): super().__init__(message, catalog, config) self.data_dir = os.getenv(DATA_DIRECTORY_ENV, '/home/dockeruser/data')
[docs] def process_item(self, item, source): """ Performs variable and bounding box subsetting on the input STAC Item's data, returning an output STAC item Parameters ---------- item : pystac.Item the item that should be subset source : harmony.message.Source the input source defining the variables, if any, to subset from the item Returns ------- pystac.Item a STAC item describing the output of the subsetter """ result = item.clone() result.assets = {} # Create a temporary dir for processing we may do temp_dir = mkdtemp() output_dir = self.data_dir self.prepare_output_dir(output_dir) try: # Get the data file asset = next(v for k, v in item.assets.items() if 'data' in (v.roles or [])) input_filename = download(asset.href, temp_dir, logger=self.logger, access_token=self.message.accessToken, cfg=self.config) message = self.message # Dictionary of keywords params that will be passed into # the l2ss-py subset function subset_params = {} # Transform params to PO.DAAC subsetter arguments and invoke the subsetter harmony_bbox = [-180, -90, 180, 90] if message.subset and message.subset.bbox: harmony_bbox = message.subset.bbox if message.subset and message.subset.shape: subset_params['shapefile_path'] = download( message.subset.shape.href, temp_dir, logger=self.logger, access_token=self.message.accessToken, cfg=self.config ) if message.temporal: subset_params['min_time'] = message.temporal.start subset_params['max_time'] = message.temporal.end subset_params['bbox'] = harmony_to_podaac_bbox(harmony_bbox) if source.variables: subset_params['variables'] = [ for variable in source.process('variables')] if source.coordinateVariables: coordinate_variables = list( filter(lambda var: var.type and var.subtype, source.coordinateVariables) ) def filter_by_subtype(variables, subtype): return list(map(lambda var:, filter( lambda var: var.subtype == subtype, variables ))) subset_params['lat_var_names'] = filter_by_subtype(coordinate_variables, 'LATITUDE') subset_params['lon_var_names'] = filter_by_subtype(coordinate_variables, 'LONGITUDE') subset_params['time_var_names'] = filter_by_subtype(coordinate_variables, 'TIME') subset_params['output_file'] = f'{output_dir}/{os.path.basename(input_filename)}' subset_params['file_to_subset'] = input_filename subset_params['origin_source'] = asset.href'Calling l2ss-py subset with params %s', subset_params) result_bbox = subset.subset(**subset_params) # Stage the output file with a conventional filename mime = 'application/x-netcdf4' operations = dict( variable_subset=subset_params.get('variables'), is_subsetted=bool(result_bbox is not None) ) staged_filename = generate_output_filename(asset.href, '.nc4', **operations) url = stage(subset_params['output_file'], staged_filename, mime, location=message.stagingLocation, logger=self.logger, cfg=self.config) # Update the STAC record asset = Asset(url, title=staged_filename, media_type=mime, roles=['data']) result.assets['data'] = asset if result_bbox is not None: if message.subset: message.subset.process('bbox') result.bbox = podaac_to_harmony_bbox(result_bbox) result.geometry = bbox_to_geometry(result.bbox) # Return the STAC record return result finally: # Clean up any intermediate resources shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
[docs] def prepare_output_dir(self, output_dir): """ Deletes (if present) and recreates the given output_dir, ensuring it exists and is empty Parameters ---------- output_dir : string the directory to delete and recreate """ self.cmd('rm', '-rf', output_dir) self.cmd('mkdir', '-p', output_dir)
[docs] def cmd(self, *args): """ Logs and then runs command. Parameters ---------- args Command and args to run Returns ------- Command output """"%s %s", args[0], " ".join(["'{}'".format(arg) for arg in args[1:]])) # pylint: disable=C0209 result_str = subprocess.check_output(args).decode("utf-8") return result_str.split("\n")
[docs]def main(config=None): """Parse command line arguments and invoke the service to respond to them. Parameters ---------- config : harmony.util.Config Returns ------- None """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=SERVICE_NAME, description='Run the l2_subsetter service') harmony.setup_cli(parser) args = parser.parse_args() if harmony.is_harmony_cli(args): harmony.run_cli(parser, args, L2SubsetterService, cfg=config) else: parser.error("Only --harmony CLIs are supported")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()