Source code for podaac.subsetter.xarray_enhancements

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Functions which improve upon existing xarray functionality, optimized
for this specific use-case.

import logging

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs]def get_indexers_from_1d(cond): """ Get indexers from a dataset with 1 dimension. Parameters ---------- cond : xarray.Dataset Contains the result of the initial lat lon condition. Returns ------- dict Indexer dictionary for the provided condition. """ cols = cond.values if not cols.any():"No data within the given bounding box.") indexers = { cond.dims[0]: np.where(cols)[0] } return indexers
[docs]def get_indexers_from_nd(cond, cut): """ Get indexers from a dataset with more than 1 dimensions. Parameters ---------- cond : xarray.Dataset Contains the result of the initial lat lon condition. cut : bool True if the scanline should be cut. Returns ------- dict Indexer dictionary for the provided condition. """ rows = np.any(cond.values.squeeze(), axis=1) if cut: cols = np.any(cond.values.squeeze(), axis=0) else: cols = np.ones(len(cond.values[0])) # If the subsetted area is equal to the original area if np.all(rows) & np.all(cols):"Subsetted area equal to the original granule.") # If the subsetted area is empty if not np.any(rows) | np.any(cols):"No data within the given bounding box.") cond_shape_list = list(cond.shape) cond_list = list(cond.dims) output = [idx for idx, element in enumerate(cond_shape_list) if cond_shape_list[idx] == 1] for i in output: cond_list.pop(i) indexers = { cond_list[0]: np.where(rows)[0], cond_list[1]: np.where(cols)[0] } return indexers
[docs]def copy_empty_dataset(dataset): """ Copy an dataset into a new, empty dataset. This dataset should: * Contain the same structure as the input dataset (only include requested variables, if variable subset) * Contain the same global metadata as the input dataset * Contain a history field which describes this subset operation. Parameters ---------- dataset: xarray.Dataset The dataset to copy into a empty dataset. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset The new dataset which has no data. """ # Create a dict object where each key is a variable in the dataset and the value is an # array initialized to the fill value for that variable or NaN if there is no fill value # attribute for the variable empty_data = {k: np.full(v.shape, dataset.variables[k].attrs.get('_FillValue', np.nan)) for k, v in dataset.items()} # Create a copy of the dataset filled with the empty data. Then select the first index along each # dimension and return the result return dataset.copy(data=empty_data).isel({dim: slice(0, 1, 1) for dim in dataset.dims})
[docs]def cast_type(var, var_type): """ Type cast a variable into a var type. Parameters ---------- var: xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray The dataarray to be type casted. var_type: string New type the variable will be type casted to. Returns ------- xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray The newly type casted variable. """ return var.astype(var_type)
[docs]def where(dataset, cond, cut): """ Return a dataset which meets the given condition. This is a modification of the existing xarray 'where' function. Parameters ---------- dataset : xarray.Dataset The dataset to filter and return. cond : DataArray or Dataset with boolean dtype Locations at which to preserve this object's values. cut : boolean True if the scanline should be cut, False if the scanline should not be cut. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset The filtered Dataset Notes ----- The `cond` variable contains a boolean mask of valid data indices. However in that mask, True represents valid data and False represents invalid data. """ if cond.values.ndim == 1: indexers = get_indexers_from_1d(cond) else: indexers = get_indexers_from_nd(cond, cut) # If any of the indexer dimensions are empty, return an empty dataset if not all(len(value) > 0 for value in indexers.values()): return copy_empty_dataset(dataset) # This will be true if any variables in the dataset have a partial # overlap with the coordinate dims. If so, the cond should be # applied per-variable rather than to the entire dataset. partial_dim_in_in_vars = np.any( [len(set(indexers.keys()).intersection(var.dims)) > 0 and len( indexers.keys() - var.dims) > 0 for _, var in dataset.variables.items()] ) indexed_cond = cond.isel(**indexers) indexed_ds = dataset.isel(**indexers) new_dataset = indexed_ds.where(indexed_cond) # Cast all variables to their original type for variable_name, variable in new_dataset.data_vars.items(): original_type = indexed_ds[variable_name].dtype new_type = variable.dtype indexed_var = indexed_ds[variable_name] if partial_dim_in_in_vars and (indexers.keys() - dataset[variable_name].dims) and set( indexers.keys()).intersection(dataset[variable_name].dims): missing_dim = (indexers.keys() - dataset[variable_name].dims).pop() # Assume only 1 var_indexers = { dim_name: dim_value for dim_name, dim_value in indexers.items() if dim_name in dataset[variable_name].dims } var_cond = cond.sel({missing_dim: 1}).isel(**var_indexers) indexed_var = dataset[variable_name].isel(**var_indexers) new_dataset[variable_name] = indexed_var.where(var_cond) variable = new_dataset[variable_name] elif partial_dim_in_in_vars and (indexers.keys() - dataset[variable_name].dims) and set( indexers.keys()).intersection(new_dataset[variable_name].dims): new_dataset[variable_name] = indexed_var new_dataset[variable_name].attrs = indexed_var.attrs variable.attrs = indexed_var.attrs # Check if variable has no _FillValue. If so, use original data if '_FillValue' not in variable.attrs or len(indexed_var.shape) == 0: if original_type != new_type: new_dataset[variable_name] = xr.apply_ufunc(cast_type, variable, str(original_type), dask='allowed', keep_attrs=True) # Replace nans with values from original dataset. If the # variable has more than one dimension, copy the entire # variable over, otherwise use a NaN mask to copy over the # relevant values. new_dataset[variable_name] = indexed_var new_dataset[variable_name].attrs = indexed_var.attrs variable.attrs = indexed_var.attrs new_dataset[variable_name].encoding['_FillValue'] = None variable.encoding['_FillValue'] = None else: # Manually replace nans with FillValue # If variable represents time, cast _FillValue to datetime fill_value = new_dataset[variable_name].attrs.get('_FillValue') if np.issubdtype(new_dataset[variable_name].dtype, np.dtype(np.datetime64)): fill_value = np.datetime64('nat') new_dataset[variable_name] = new_dataset[variable_name].fillna(fill_value) if original_type != new_type: new_dataset[variable_name] = xr.apply_ufunc(cast_type, new_dataset[variable_name], str(original_type), dask='allowed', keep_attrs=True) return new_dataset