#from original notebook:
import requests
import json
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio.plot import show
from rasterio.merge import merge
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import os
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from json import dumps
import earthaccess
from earthaccess import Auth, DataCollections, DataGranules, Store
From the PO.DAAC Cookbook, to access the GitHub version of the notebook, follow this link.
Working with OPERA Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWx) Data:
Local Machine Download Version
Summary & Learning Objectives
Notebook showcasing how to work with OPERA DSWx data on a local machine
- Utilizing the earthaccess Python package. For more information visit: https://nsidc.github.io/earthaccess/
- Option to query the new dataset based on users choice; either by classified layer ‘B01’ or sensor (‘L8_30_v1.0_B01_WTR’), etc.
- Visualizing the dataset based on its classified layer values.
- Mosaicking multiple layers into a single GeoTIFF file.
- Utilizing Change Detection for further analysis.
1. Compute environment
This tutorial is written to run in the following environment: - Local compute environment e.g. laptop, server: this tutorial can be run on your local machine
2. Earthdata Login
An Earthdata Login account is required to access data, as well as discover restricted data, from the NASA Earthdata system. Thus, to access NASA data, you need Earthdata Login. Please visit https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create and only takes a moment to set up.
Import libraries
Authentication with earthaccess
In this notebook, we will be calling the authentication in the below cell.
= earthaccess.login(strategy="interactive", persist=True) auth
You're now authenticated with NASA Earthdata Login
Using token with expiration date: 11/19/2023
Using user provided credentials for EDL
Persisting credentials to .netrc
Search using earthaccess
Each dataset has it’s own unique collection concept ID. For the OPERA_L3_DSWX-HLS_V1 dataset, we can find the collection ID here.
For this tutorial, we are looking at the Lake Powell Reservoir.
We used bbox finder to get the exact coordinates for our area of interest.
We want to look at two different times for comparison: 04/11/2023 and 08/30/2023. To find these dates, let’s search for all the data granules between the two.
Finding 08/30/23 you must search a couple days after at 09/01/23 for when the product was generated for 08/30/23.
#search for the granules using the short name
= earthaccess.search_data(short_name="OPERA_L3_DSWX-HLS_V1", temporal= ("2023-04-11","2023-09-01"), bounding_box = ('-111.144811','36.980121','-110.250799','37.915625')) results
Granules found: 310
Get desired links
OPERA has 10 different available layers within each granule. Each granule consists of 10 files, one for each layer. We will only need one of these files since we are only looking at one layer.
Let’s get the download links for the desired files. We want to query the dataset based on a specific classified layer ‘B01’ or sensor (‘L8_30_v1.0_B01_WTR’) as well as for the two dates (04/11/2023 and 08/30/2023).
We will look at ‘B01_WTR’ which is the Water Classification (WTR) layer of the OPERA DSWx dataset. Details on each available layer and the data product can be found here.
Here, we see that the results output is in the DataGranule format, allowing us to to use the data_links call
#add the necessary data to a list, here we are looking for B01_WTR layer and two dates specified earlier
= []
downloads_04112023 = []
for g in results:
for l in earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(g):
if 'B01_WTR' in l:
if '20230411' in l:
downloads_04112023.append(l)if '20230830' in l:
For the B01_WTR layer, each date has 4 files
Download the Data into a folder
Since we are looking at two seperate times, we create two folder path names, one for each date, so we can mosaic all the files within one folder based on its respective time range later.
#download data into folder on local machine
earthaccess.download(downloads_04112023, "./data_downloads/OPERA_083023") earthaccess.download(downloads_08302023,
Data should download into two folders seperated by date, each having four files.
Visualizing the Dataset
Let’s now visualize an individual layer for a single file that was downloaded using Rasterio to read the GeoTIFF image.
= rio.open('data_downloads/OPERA_041123/OPERA_L3_DSWx-HLS_T12SVG_20230411T180222Z_20230414T030945Z_L8_30_v1.0_B01_WTR.tif') dsw
OPERA is a single band image with specific classified rgb values.
This requires to read the single band, then creating a numpy array of the specified rgb values. e.g. ‘variable’.colormap
= dsw.read(1)
image = np.asarray(
color_array 1)[i] for i in range(256)], dtype=np.uint8)
[dsw.colormap(= color_array[image] dsw2
= plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
fig, ax "OPERA DSWx - Lake Powell: 04/11/2023")
#Legend based on specifed classified layer.
= {"white":"Not Water", "blue":"Open Water", "lightskyblue":"Partial Surface Water", "cyan":"Snow/Ice", "grey":"Cloud/Cloud Shadow"}
legend_labels = [Patch(color=color, label=label)
patches for color, label in legend_labels.items()]
ax.legend(handles=(1.28, 1),
plt.imshow(dsw2) plt.show()
Mosaic Multiple OPERA Layers
When creating a mosaic, make sure the temporal range is correct/matching. We define the output directory for the mosaic GeoTIFFs below.
The mosaic is being created because we have 4 results from the bounding box area provided. If you receive more than 1 result and would like to see a single raster image of all the results, mosaicking is the solution.
'data_downloads/mosaic_outputs').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Path(= 'data_downloads/mosaic_outputs' output_path
We define a function to convert files per timestamp to mosaicked geoTIFFs.
def raster2mosaic(data_folder, output_path, output_file_name):
= list(data_folder.iterdir())
raster_files = [] #create empty list
raster_to_mosaic_list for p in raster_files:
= rio.open(p)
raster_to_mosaic_list.append(raster)= merge(raster_to_mosaic_list) #the merge function will mosaic the raster images
mosaic, output #Then we update the raster's metadata to match the width and height of the mosaic
= raster.meta.copy()
output_meta.update("driver": "GTiff",
{"height": mosaic.shape[1],
"width": mosaic.shape[2],
"transform": output
)#Save the output in a new mosaicked raster image
with rio.open(os.path.join(output_path, output_file_name), 'w', **output_meta) as m:
#set data to a list for each of the two data sets
= Path("data_downloads/OPERA_041123")
folder1 = Path("data_downloads/OPERA_083023")
raster2mosaic(folder1, output_path, 'mosaic_083023.tif') raster2mosaic(folder2, output_path,
Visualizing the Mosaic
Open the new mosaicked raster images individually with its respective paths.
= rio.open(os.path.join(output_path, 'mosaic_041123.tif'))
mos1 = rio.open(os.path.join(output_path, 'mosaic_083023.tif')) mos2
To visualize the mosaic, you must utilize the single layer colormap.
This will be the ‘dsw’ variable used earlier to visualize a single layer. Similarly reading the single band, then creating a numpy array of the specified rgb values. e.g. ‘variable’.colormap
= mos1.read(1)
image1 = np.asarray(
color_array 1)[i] for i in range(256)], dtype=np.uint8)
[dsw.colormap(= color_array[image1] dsw3
= mos2.read(1)
image2 = np.asarray(
color_array 1)[i] for i in range(256)], dtype=np.uint8)
[dsw.colormap(= color_array[image2] dsw4
= plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
= 1
rows = 2
# Lake Powell 04/11/2023
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, "OPERA DSWx - Lake Powell: 04/11/2023")
# Legend based on specifed classified layer.
= {"white":"Not Water", "blue":"Open Water", "lightskyblue":"Partial Surface Water", "cyan":"Snow/Ice", "grey":"Cloud/Cloud Shadow"}
legend_labels = [Patch(color=color, label=label)
patches for color, label in legend_labels.items()]
# Lake Powell 08/30/2023
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, "OPERA DSWx - Lake Powell: 08/30/2023")
# Legend based on specifed classified layer.
= {"white":"Not Water", "blue":"Open Water", "lightskyblue":"Partial Surface Water", "cyan":"Snow/Ice", "grey":"Cloud/Cloud Shadow"}
legend_labels = [Patch(color=color, label=label)
patches for color, label in legend_labels.items()]
fig.legend(handles=(0.9, 0.35),
To take a closer look at a specific area of the image, we can create an inset map of a specified area.
= plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 15))
fig, ax
ax[0].set_title("OPERA DSWx - Lake Powell: 04/11/2023")
= {"white":"Not Water", "blue":"Open Water", "lightskyblue":"Partial Surface Water", "cyan":"Snow/Ice", "grey":"Cloud/Cloud Shadow"}
legend_labels = [Patch(color=color, label=label)
patches for color, label in legend_labels.items()]
= ax[0].inset_axes([0.5, 0.5, 0.45, 0.45])
= 2200, 2700, 3500, 3000 #Extent set for aoi of inset map.
x1, x2, y1, y2
ax_ins1.set_xlim(x1, x2)
ax_ins1.set_ylim(y1, y2)'')
0].indicate_inset_zoom(ax_ins1, edgecolor='black')
ax[1].set_title("OPERA DSWx - Lake Powell: 08/30/2023")
= {"white":"Not Water", "blue":"Open Water", "lightskyblue":"Partial Surface Water", "cyan":"Snow/Ice", "grey":"Cloud/Cloud Shadow"}
legend_labels = [Patch(color=color, label=label)
patches for color, label in legend_labels.items()]
fig.legend(handles=(0.9, 0.35),
= ax[1].inset_axes([0.5, 0.5, 0.45, 0.45])
= 2200, 2700, 3500, 3000 #Extent set for aoi of inset map.
x1, x2, y1, y2
ax_ins2.set_xlim(x1, x2)
ax_ins2.set_ylim(y1, y2)'')
1].indicate_inset_zoom(ax_ins2, edgecolor='black')
Change Detection
Further analysis can involve change detection between the two images, if any gains or losses occurred.
Looking at the difference by subtracting the latest date to the oldest date.
= np.abs(image2 - image1) difference
Utilizing numpy where; by setting the given condition and returning the satisfied conditions. e.g. numpy.where(condition, [x, y, ])
In this case, any non-zero values indicate the areas of change between the two images.
Values closest to 1 shows the greatest gains in change and values closest to zero show the least amount of change.
= np.where(difference > 0, 1, 0) change_map
= plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
fig, ax
# Defining and zooming into an ROI
= 1000, 1000, 4500, 4500
x1, y1, x2, y2 = change_map[y1:y2, x1:x2]
# Inversing the colormap
= plt.get_cmap('magma')
original_cmap = original_cmap.reversed()
plt.imshow(roi, cmap
plt.colorbar()'Change Detection between 4/11/23 and 8/30/23')