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Hydrocron API: SWOT Time Series Examples

Authors: Nikki Tebaldi and Cassandra Nickles, NASA PO.DAAC


Hydrocron is an API that repackages the SWOT_L2_HR_RIVERSP_2.0 dataset into csv or geojson formats that make time series analysis easier. This notebook will highlight how to utilize hydrocron and convert its output into a readable geodatabase of data from multiple SWOT reaches identified from the SWORD Database.


Any compute environment, local or the cloud.

Learning Objectives:

  • Obtain a list of SWORD IDs for a region of interest
  • Access SWOT river vector product attributes for multiple reach IDs via the Hydrocron API
  • Convert accessed time series data into readable database
  • Plot one time series variable from multiple reaches

Cite the Hydrocron API via the following:

Frank Greguska, Nikki Tebaldi, Victoria McDonald, Vanesa Gomez Gonzalez, & Cassie Nickles. (2024). podaac/hydrocron: 1.2.0 (1.2.0). Zenodo.

Import Packages

import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.distributed import Client
import hvplot.dask
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pprint
import requests

import datetime
from io import StringIO