import fiona
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hvplot.xarray
import earthaccess
'display.max_columns', None) #make sure all columns displayed for shapefiles pd.set_option(
From the PO.DAAC Cookbook, to access the GitHub version of the notebook, follow this link.
SWOT Hydrology Science Application Tutorial on the Cloud
Retrieving SWOT attributes (WSE, width, slope) and plotting a longitudinal profile along a river or over a basin
This tutorial can only be run in an AWS cloud instance running in us-west-2: NASA Earthdata Cloud data in S3 can be directly accessed via earthaccess
python library; this access is limited to requests made within the US West (Oregon) (code: us-west-2
) AWS region.
Earthdata Login
An Earthdata Login account is required to access data, as well as discover restricted data, from the NASA Earthdata system. Thus, to access NASA data, you need Earthdata Login. Please visit to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create and only takes a moment to set up.
This code runs using SWOT Level 2 Data Products (Version C, aka 2.0).
Notebook Authors: Arnaud Cerbelaud, Jeffrey Wade, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology (Mar 2024)
Learning Objectives
- Retrieve SWOT hydrological attributes on river reaches within the AWS cloud (Cal/Val data). Query reaches by:
- River name
- Spatial bounding box
- Downstream tracing from reach id (e.g. headwater to outlet) for river longitudinal profiles
- Upstream tracing from reach id (e.g. outlet to full river network) for watershed analysis
- Plot a time series of WSE, width, slope data on the filtered data
- Visualize an interactive map of WSE, width, slope data on the filtered data
Import Packages
Authenticate your Earthdata Login (EDL) information using the earthaccess
python package as follows:
# Login with your EDL credentials if asked earthaccess.login()
<earthaccess.auth.Auth at 0x7f2fd5bbf220>
1. Retrieve SWOT hydrological attributes on river reaches within the AWS cloud (Cal/Val data)
What data should we download?
- Optional step: Get the .kmz file of SWOT passes/swaths for the and import it into Google Earth for visualization
- Determine which pass number corresponds to the river/basin you want to look at! #### Search for multiple days of data
# Enter pass number
= ["341", "576", "298"] #e.g. 341, 576, 298 for Connecticut in NA, "236", "514", "542", "085", "363", "057", "335", "029" for Rhine in EU
pass_number # Enter continent code
= "NA" # e.g. "AF", "NA", "EU", "SI", "AS", "AU", "SA", "AR", "GR"
# Retrieves granulev and links list from the passes we want, in this case by passing to `earthdata.search_data` function the data collection shortname and temporal bounds
= []
links_list for p in range(len(pass_number)):
= earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_RIVERSP_2.0',
river_results = ('2024-01-25 00:00:00', '2024-03-29 23:59:59'),
temporal = "*Reach*_" + pass_number[p] + "_" + continent_code + "*")
granule_name for r in range(len(river_results)):
= earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(river_results[r], access='direct')[0]
river_link links_list.append(river_link)
Granules found: 2
Granules found: 3
Granules found: 3
# Create fiona session to read data from zip files without download and extraction
= earthaccess.get_s3fs_session(results=river_results)
fs_s3 =fiona.session.AWSSession(
aws_session_token )
Unzip selected files in Fiona session
# Initialize list of shapefiles containing all dates
= []
# Loop through queried granules to stack all acquisition dates
for j in range(len(links_list)):
# We use the zip+ prefix so fiona knows that we are operating on a zip file
= f"zip+{links_list[j]}"
# Read shapefile
with fiona.Env(session=fiona_session):
Aggregate unzipped files into dataframe
# Combine granules from all acquisition dates into one dataframe
= gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(SWOT_HR_shps, ignore_index=True))
# Sort dataframe by reach_id and time
= SWOT_HR_df.sort_values(['reach_id', 'time'])
reach_id | time | time_tai | time_str | p_lat | p_lon | river_name | wse | wse_u | wse_r_u | wse_c | wse_c_u | slope | slope_u | slope_r_u | slope2 | slope2_u | slope2_r_u | width | width_u | width_c | width_c_u | area_total | area_tot_u | area_detct | area_det_u | area_wse | d_x_area | d_x_area_u | layovr_val | node_dist | loc_offset | xtrk_dist | dschg_c | dschg_c_u | dschg_csf | dschg_c_q | dschg_gc | dschg_gc_u | dschg_gcsf | dschg_gc_q | dschg_m | dschg_m_u | dschg_msf | dschg_m_q | dschg_gm | dschg_gm_u | dschg_gmsf | dschg_gm_q | dschg_b | dschg_b_u | dschg_bsf | dschg_b_q | dschg_gb | dschg_gb_u | dschg_gbsf | dschg_gb_q | dschg_h | dschg_h_u | dschg_hsf | dschg_h_q | dschg_gh | dschg_gh_u | dschg_ghsf | dschg_gh_q | dschg_o | dschg_o_u | dschg_osf | dschg_o_q | dschg_go | dschg_go_u | dschg_gosf | dschg_go_q | dschg_s | dschg_s_u | dschg_ssf | dschg_s_q | dschg_gs | dschg_gs_u | dschg_gssf | dschg_gs_q | dschg_i | dschg_i_u | dschg_isf | dschg_i_q | dschg_gi | dschg_gi_u | dschg_gisf | dschg_gi_q | dschg_q_b | dschg_gq_b | reach_q | reach_q_b | dark_frac | ice_clim_f | ice_dyn_f | partial_f | n_good_nod | obs_frac_n | xovr_cal_q | geoid_hght | geoid_slop | solid_tide | load_tidef | load_tideg | pole_tide | dry_trop_c | wet_trop_c | iono_c | xovr_cal_c | n_reach_up | n_reach_dn | rch_id_up | rch_id_dn | p_wse | p_wse_var | p_width | p_wid_var | p_n_nodes | p_dist_out | p_length | p_maf | p_dam_id | p_n_ch_max | p_n_ch_mod | p_low_slp | geometry | |
3738 | 72120300121 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 50.355053 | -77.287576 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 72120300206, no_data, no_data, no_data | 72120300113, no_data, no_data, no_data | 248.199997 | 0.031587 | 45.0 | 217.523 | 86 | 228174.350 | 17135.322465 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-77.37319 50.31698, -77.37277 50.3... |
4454 | 72120300121 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 50.355053 | -77.287576 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 72120300206, no_data, no_data, no_data | 72120300113, no_data, no_data, no_data | 248.199997 | 0.031587 | 45.0 | 217.523 | 86 | 228174.350 | 17135.322465 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-77.37319 50.31698, -77.37277 50.3... |
5170 | 72120300121 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 50.355053 | -77.287576 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 72120300206, no_data, no_data, no_data | 72120300113, no_data, no_data, no_data | 248.199997 | 0.031587 | 45.0 | 217.523 | 86 | 228174.350 | 17135.322465 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-77.37319 50.31698, -77.37277 50.3... |
3739 | 72120400051 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 49.864785 | -76.975406 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 72120400063, no_data, no_data, no_data | 72120400043, no_data, no_data, no_data | 256.399994 | 2.569541 | 291.0 | 19982.483 | 91 | 308791.019 | 18231.842622 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-77.06133 49.85771, -77.06092 49.8... |
4455 | 72120400051 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | no_data | 49.864785 | -76.975406 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 12582912 | 12582912 | 3 | 469762048 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -999 | 1 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | 2 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1 | 1 | 72120400063, no_data, no_data, no_data | 72120400043, no_data, no_data, no_data | 256.399994 | 2.569541 | 291.0 | 19982.483 | 91 | 308791.019 | 18231.842622 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-77.06133 49.85771, -77.06092 49.8... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3128 | 76500000131 | 7.630360e+08 | 7.630361e+08 | 2024-03-06T10:26:58Z | 18.255350 | -66.012657 | no_data | 5.148830e+01 | 7.147400e-01 | 7.090500e-01 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.896964e-03 | 1.029344e-05 | 9.846570e-06 | -2.579608e-03 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.179402e-01 | 8.228150e+02 | 3.330908e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 9.494502e+06 | 3.843551e+04 | 9.472037e+06 | 3.843550e+04 | 9.494502e+06 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 7.219900e+00 | 2.269424e+02 | 3.555010e+01 | -9.718222e+03 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 25428408 | 25428408 | 2 | 542734 | 2.366000e-03 | 0 | -999 | 0 | 33 | 5.409836e-01 | 0 | -4.203993e+01 | -5.959560e-05 | -1.099997e-01 | -7.083979e-03 | -9.455572e-03 | 2.673383e-03 | -2.300245e+00 | -2.157397e-01 | -2.978376e-03 | 3.877690e-01 | 1 | 1 | 76500000141, no_data, no_data, no_data | 76500000123, no_data, no_data, no_data | 40.600002 | 43.251021 | 63.0 | 1149.474 | 61 | 43590.077 | 12103.909044 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-65.99988 18.21743, -66.00022 18.2... |
3736 | 76500000131 | 7.648387e+08 | 7.648388e+08 | 2024-03-27T07:11:56Z | 18.255350 | -66.012657 | no_data | 6.214650e+01 | 2.573330e+00 | 2.571760e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -3.331055e-03 | 3.849838e-05 | 3.838132e-05 | -3.053041e-03 | -1.000000e+12 | 2.653730e+00 | 1.336966e+03 | 4.963007e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.465627e+07 | 5.440614e+04 | 1.461890e+07 | 5.440610e+04 | 1.465627e+07 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 6.300200e+00 | 2.618109e+02 | 1.134880e+02 | -9.406573e+03 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 25428408 | 25428408 | 2 | 575498 | 2.549000e-03 | 0 | -999 | 1 | 25 | 4.098361e-01 | 2 | -4.208252e+01 | -6.235580e-05 | 7.611858e-02 | 1.698115e-03 | 3.022270e-03 | 1.955032e-03 | -2.290476e+00 | -1.451549e-01 | -6.110505e-03 | 0.000000e+00 | 1 | 1 | 76500000141, no_data, no_data, no_data | 76500000123, no_data, no_data, no_data | 40.600002 | 43.251021 | 63.0 | 1149.474 | 61 | 43590.077 | 12103.909044 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-65.99988 18.21743, -66.00022 18.2... |
2523 | 76500000141 | 7.612333e+08 | 7.612334e+08 | 2024-02-14T13:41:54Z | 18.214094 | -65.999696 | no_data | 7.122600e+01 | 9.093000e-02 | 1.299000e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.424304e-02 | 3.561229e-05 | 3.548571e-05 | -4.944832e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | 2.070532e-04 | 2.976488e+02 | 7.012993e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 2.374517e+05 | 5.594670e+03 | 2.374517e+05 | 5.594700e+03 | 2.374517e+05 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.040700e+00 | 3.071884e+02 | 3.960115e+01 | -9.825143e+03 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 25428408 | 25428408 | 2 | 542730 | 0.000000e+00 | 0 | -999 | 0 | 2 | 5.000000e-01 | 0 | -4.162250e+01 | -1.538206e-04 | -1.459826e-01 | -1.125507e-02 | -9.715600e-03 | 3.041269e-03 | -2.308736e+00 | -1.868137e-01 | -9.129797e-03 | 6.605130e-02 | 2 | 1 | 76500000161, 76500000151, no_data, no_data | 76500000131, no_data, no_data, no_data | 63.100002 | 20.898301 | 30.0 | 415.706 | 4 | 44387.835 | 797.757834 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-66.00018 18.21038, -66.00018 18.2... |
3129 | 76500000141 | 7.630360e+08 | 7.630361e+08 | 2024-03-06T10:26:58Z | 18.214094 | -65.999696 | no_data | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 3.717835e+02 | 7.669814e+00 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 2.965932e+05 | 6.118654e+03 | 2.965932e+05 | 6.118700e+03 | 2.965932e+05 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 0.000000e+00 | 2.817323e+02 | 3.577332e+01 | -1.006446e+04 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 29360570 | 29360570 | 3 | 503351296 | 0.000000e+00 | 0 | -999 | 1 | 0 | 0.000000e+00 | 2 | -4.161941e+01 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.098480e-01 | -6.989030e-03 | -9.287705e-03 | 2.667307e-03 | -2.297567e+00 | -2.175007e-01 | -2.980941e-03 | 4.020248e-01 | 2 | 1 | 76500000161, 76500000151, no_data, no_data | 76500000131, no_data, no_data, no_data | 63.100002 | 20.898301 | 30.0 | 415.706 | 4 | 44387.835 | 797.757834 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-66.00018 18.21038, -66.00018 18.2... |
3737 | 76500000141 | 7.648387e+08 | 7.648388e+08 | 2024-03-27T07:11:56Z | 18.214094 | -65.999696 | no_data | 8.508610e+01 | 9.025000e-02 | 6.690000e-03 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -9.286700e-03 | 4.201405e-05 | 4.190681e-05 | -1.123384e-02 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.623781e-04 | 8.786977e+02 | 1.250254e+01 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 7.009880e+05 | 9.974001e+03 | 7.009880e+05 | 9.974000e+03 | 7.009880e+05 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | 1.628500e+00 | 1.992412e+02 | 1.928564e+01 | -9.878682e+03 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -1.000000e+12 | -999 | 25428408 | 25428408 | 2 | 540682 | 0.000000e+00 | 0 | -999 | 0 | 3 | 7.500000e-01 | 2 | -4.163959e+01 | -6.160100e-05 | 7.617028e-02 | 1.573288e-03 | 2.859416e-03 | 1.950453e-03 | -2.290005e+00 | -1.457697e-01 | -6.110666e-03 | 0.000000e+00 | 2 | 1 | 76500000161, 76500000151, no_data, no_data | 76500000131, no_data, no_data, no_data | 63.100002 | 20.898301 | 30.0 | 415.706 | 4 | 44387.835 | 797.757834 | -1.000000e+12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LINESTRING (-66.00018 18.21038, -66.00018 18.2... |
5886 rows × 127 columns
Exploring the dataset
What acquisition dates and rivers do our downloaded files cover?
print('Available dates are:')
print(np.unique([i[:10] for i in SWOT_HR_df['time_str']]))
print('Available rivers are:')
print(np.unique([i for i in SWOT_HR_df['river_name']]))
Available dates are:
['2024-02-04' '2024-02-06' '2024-02-14' '2024-02-25' '2024-02-27'
'2024-03-06' '2024-03-17' '2024-03-27' 'no_data']
Available rivers are:
['Androscoggin River' 'Batten Kill' 'Bras du Nord' 'Canal de fuite'
"Chenal de l'Est" 'Concord River' 'Concord River; Sudbury River'
'Connecticut River' 'Connecticut River; Westfield River'
'Connecticut River; White River' 'Deerfield River' 'Farmington River'
'Fleuve Saint-Laurent' 'Hoosic River' 'Housatonic River' 'Howells River'
'Hudson River' 'Hudson River; Indian River' 'Indian River'
'Komaktorvik River' 'La Grande River' 'Lac Saint-Louis' 'Lamoille River'
'Magalloway River' 'Merrimack River' 'Missisquoi River' 'Mohawk River'
'Ottawa River' 'Otter Creek' 'Passumsic River' 'Pemigewasset River'
'Quinebaug River' 'Racquette River' 'Sacandaga River' 'Saguenay River'
'Saint Lawrence River' 'Saint Regis River'
'Saint Regis River; West Branch of the Saint Regis R' 'Shetucket River'
'South Nation River' 'Sudbury River' 'Thames River'
'Vieux-Comptoir River' 'Wappinger Creek' 'West River' 'White River'
'Winooski River' 'Wood Creek' 'no_data']
Filter dataframe by river name of interest and plot selected reaches:
Note: Some rivers have multiple names, hence using the contains
# Enter river name
= "Connecticut River" # e.g. "Rhine", "Connecticut River"
## Filter dataframe
= SWOT_HR_df[(SWOT_HR_df.river_name.str.contains(river))]
# Plot geopandas dataframe with 'explore' by reach id
'reach_id','river_name','geometry']].explore('reach_id', style_kwds=dict(weight=6)) SWOT_HR_df_river[[