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Exploring gauges and river discharge in the SWORD of Science (SoS) dataset

Mapping all discharge algorithms, integrator results, and gauge data

Author: Nikki Tebaldi, NASA JPL PO.DAAC


Looking at discharge in the SoS

It can be helpful to plot the flow law parameter estimation (FLPE) algorithm discharge alongside the integrator (MOI) discharge produced for that algorithm PLUS overlapping in situ gauge data. Note that not all rivers have gauge data associated with them. In this notebook we will look at the steps to plot SoS discharge values produced from running the Confluence workflow alongside in situ gauge data gathered and stored in the priors.

Granule structure (background)

The SWORD of Science (SoS) is a community-driven dataset produced for and from the execution of the Confluence workflow in the cloud which enables quick data access and compute on SWOT data. Data granules contain two files, priors and results. The priors file contains prior information, such as in-situ gage data and model output that is used to generate the discharge products. The results file contains the resulting river discharge data products.

The cloud-based workflow (“Confluence”) that produces the SoS will produce discharge parameter estimates which the SWOT mission will use to produce discharge. This discharge will be stored in the SWOT shapefiles as the official SWOT discharge. However, the Confluence workflow produces discharge time series alongside the discharge parameter estimates in order to preview what will eventually stored in the SWOT shapefiles. Users can reference the SoS for the latest discharge time series recognizing that the official SWOT discharge data product lives in the SWOT shapefiles.

The SoS is organized by continent following SWOT River Database (SWORD) structure and naming conventions. It is indexed on the same reach and node identifier dimensions found in SWORD. Time series data is stored by cycle and pass on an observation dimension.

More information is available in the SWOT-Confluence Github repository: * Documentation for priors * Documentation for results

Results are organized into groups corresponding to modules in the SWOT-Confluence processing software. Modules are described in the Confluence Module Documentation.

You can explore the SoS further in this notebook:

Locate data for a river that has gauges

We will select the Ohio River as we know it has gauge data associated with it from the USGS but feel free to modify the constants below for your river of choice!

Table of Gauge Agencies by Continent

The following list the continent with associated gauge agency and group name of the gauge agency as it is stored in the SoS.

Continent Group Name Gauge Agency
Africa GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
Asia GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
Asia MLIT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, Tourism
Europe GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
Europe DEFRA Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs
Europe EAU Hub’Eau France
North America GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
North America USGS United State Geological Survey
North America WSC Water Survey Canada
Oceania GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
Oceania ABOM Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
South America GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
South America DGA Direccion General de Aguas
South America Hidroweb Hidroweb


1. Compute environment

This tutorial can be run in the following environments: - Local compute environment e.g. laptop, server: this tutorial can be run on your local machine

2. Earthdata Login

An Earthdata Login account is required to access data, as well as discover restricted data, from the NASA Earthdata system. Thus, to access NASA data, you need Earthdata Login. Please visit to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create and only takes a moment to set up.

Learning Objectives

  • To locate in situ gauge data stored in the SoS.
  • To locate overlap between in situ observations and times where discharge values were produced.
  • Plot gauge data alongside river discharge.

Import Packages

import datetime
import pathlib

import earthaccess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


Authenticate your Earthdata Login (EDL) information using the earthaccess python package as follows:

earthaccess.login() # Login with your EDL credentials if asked
<earthaccess.auth.Auth at 0x107fc5df0>

Search and Access SoS data

Locate the SoS data of interest and then download for access.

# Search and locate granules
granule_info = earthaccess.search_data(
    temporal=("2023-04-07", "2023-04-26"),
Granules found: 3
[Collection: {'Version': '1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L4_DAWG_SOS_DISCHARGE'}
 Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Geometry': {'BoundingRectangles': [{'WestBoundingCoordinate': -21.794, 'SouthBoundingCoordinate': 25.382, 'EastBoundingCoordinate': 25.382, 'NorthBoundingCoordinate': 81.115}]}}}
 Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-25T20:01:59.000Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-07T22:49:35.000Z'}}
 Size(MB): 983.0999364852905
 Data: ['', ''],
 Collection: {'Version': '1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L4_DAWG_SOS_DISCHARGE'}
 Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Geometry': {'BoundingRectangles': [{'WestBoundingCoordinate': -81.139, 'SouthBoundingCoordinate': -52, 'EastBoundingCoordinate': -52, 'NorthBoundingCoordinate': 11.097}]}}}
 Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-26T12:04:55.000Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-08T01:51:07.000Z'}}
 Size(MB): 1700.4334163665771
 Data: ['', ''],
 Collection: {'Version': '1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L4_DAWG_SOS_DISCHARGE'}
 Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Geometry': {'BoundingRectangles': [{'WestBoundingCoordinate': -166.397, 'SouthBoundingCoordinate': 8.09, 'EastBoundingCoordinate': 8.09, 'NorthBoundingCoordinate': 82.311}]}}}
 Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-26T13:28:35.000Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-08T05:36:12.000Z'}}
 Size(MB): 1613.2776679992676
 Data: ['', '']]
# Enter a directory path to store downloaded data in
downloads_dir = pathlib.Path("data_downloads")
downloads_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Select a priors and results pair to explore
download_links = [[link for link in earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(granule)] for granule in granule_info]
print("Select a priors and results file to explore:")
for downloads in download_links: 
    for download in downloads:
        if "priors" in download: print(download)
Select a priors and results file to explore:
# Select Europe ("eu") priors file to work with
priors_link = ""

# Select results
results_link = priors_link.replace("priors", "results"), downloads_dir), downloads_dir)
File already downloaded
File already downloaded
# Open downloaded files to access SoS granule data
priors_download = priors_link.split('/')[-1]
results_download = results_link.split('/')[-1]

priors = nc.Dataset(downloads_dir.joinpath(priors_download), format="NETCDF4")
results = nc.Dataset(downloads_dir.joinpath(results_download), format="NETCDF4")

Locate gauge and rive discharge data.

We can now locate gauge and river discharge data from the SoS using either the data read directly from S3 or downloaded to your local computer.

# Constants

# Select a river
RIVER_NAME = "Rhine"

# Select a gauge agency

Locate overlapping identifiers

Locate overlapping identifiers for reach and gauge data.

# Locate overlapping reach identifier
river_names = results['reaches']['river_name'][:]
river_indexes = np.where(river_names  == RIVER_NAME)

river_reach = results["reaches"]["reach_id"][river_indexes]
print(f"Number of {RIVER_NAME} reach identifiers: {len(river_reach)}")

gauge_reach = priors[GAUGE_AGENCY][f"{GAUGE_AGENCY}_reach_id"][:]
print(f"Number of Gauge reach identifiers: {len(gauge_reach)}")

reach_overlap = np.intersect1d(gauge_reach, river_reach)
print("Overlapping reaches:")

# Select the first reach
reach_id = reach_overlap[0]
print(f"Reach id selected: {reach_id}")
Number of Rhine reach identifiers: 146
Number of Gauge reach identifiers: 243
Overlapping reaches:
[23267000071 23267000081 23267000121 23267000501]
Reach id selected: 23267000071

Locate gauge discharge and in situ observation time

Locate discharge and save the in situ observation time for the reach of interest.

# Get reach index for gauge data
reach_gauge_index = np.where(gauge_reach == reach_id)

# Get discharge and filter out missing values
missing = priors[GAUGE_AGENCY][f"{GAUGE_AGENCY}_q"]._FillValue
gauge_discharge = priors[GAUGE_AGENCY][f"{GAUGE_AGENCY}_q"][reach_gauge_index].filled()[0]
nonmissing_indexes_g = np.where(gauge_discharge != missing)
gauge_discharge = gauge_discharge[nonmissing_indexes_g]
print(f"Number of gauge discharge values: {len(gauge_discharge)}.")

# Get time and filter out missing values
gauge_time = priors[GAUGE_AGENCY][f"{GAUGE_AGENCY}_qt"][reach_gauge_index].filled().astype(int)[0]
gauge_time = gauge_time[nonmissing_indexes_g]
print(f"Number of gauge time values: {len(gauge_time)}.")

# Convert time from ordinal value
gauge_time = [ datetime.datetime.fromordinal(gt).strftime("%Y%m%d") for gt in gauge_time ]
Number of gauge discharge values: 3722.
Number of gauge time values: 3722.

Locate SWOT time

Locate the observations times for SWOT used in the discharge parameter estimation processing.

# Locate the reach identifier
reach_q_index = np.where(results['reaches']['reach_id'][:] == reach_id)
print("Reach Index: ", reach_q_index)

# Retrieve SWOT observation times and filter out missing values
time = results['reaches']['time'][reach_q_index][0]

# Locate indexes where data exists
missing = results['reaches']['time'].missing_value
nonmissing_indexes = np.where(time != missing)
time = time[nonmissing_indexes]

# Convert to discharge time to same format as gauge agency time
swot_ts = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1,0,0,0)   # SWOT timestamp delta
discharge_time = [ (swot_ts + datetime.timedelta(seconds=st)).strftime("%Y%m%d") for st in time ]
print(f"Number of SWOT time values: {len(time)}.")
Reach Index:  (array([13158]),)
Number of SWOT time values: 13.
['20230407', '20230408', '20230409', '20230410', '20230416', '20230417', '20230418', '20230419', '20230420', '20230422', '20230423', '20230424', '20230425']

Locate algorithm discharge

Locate the algorithm discharge for a corresponding reach identifier that has gauge data. We will use HiVDI for this demonstration.

def get_algorithm_discharge(results, algorithm, variable, reach_index, nonmissing_indexes, time_shape):
    """Locate and return discharge for a specific algorithm from the results SoS file."""

    if algorithm == "neobam":
        discharge1 = results[algorithm][variable]["q1"][reach_q_index][0]
        discharge2 = results[algorithm][variable]["q2"][reach_q_index][0]
        discharge3 = results[algorithm][variable]["q2"][reach_q_index][0]
        discharge_q = np.mean([discharge1, discharge2, discharge3])

        discharge_q = results[algorithm][variable][reach_index][0]

    if isinstance(discharge_q, np.ndarray) and discharge_q.shape[0] > 1:
        discharge_q = discharge_q[nonmissing_indexes] # Filter for where data exists in time
        discharge_q[np.where(discharge_q == missing)] = np.nan # Set missing to NaN value
    # No data was generated
        discharge_q = np.empty((time_shape))
    return discharge_q
hivdi_q = get_algorithm_discharge(results, "hivdi", "Q", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes, time.shape)
print(f"Number of HiVDI discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

# MetroMan
metroman_q = get_algorithm_discharge(results, "metroman", "allq", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes, time.shape)
print(f"Number of MetroMan discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

momma_q = get_algorithm_discharge(results, "momma", "Q", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes, time.shape)
print(f"Number of MOMMA discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

# NeoBAM
neobam_q = get_algorithm_discharge(results, "neobam", "q", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes, time.shape)
print(f"Number of NeoBAM discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

sad_q = get_algorithm_discharge(results, "sad", "Qa", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes, time.shape)
print(f"Number of SAD discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

# SIC4DVar
sic4dvar_q = get_algorithm_discharge(results, "sic4dvar", "Q_da", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes, time.shape)
print(f"Number of SIC4DVar discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")
Number of HiVDI discharge values: 13
Number of MetroMan discharge values: 13
Number of MOMMA discharge values: 13
Number of NeoBAM discharge values: 13
Number of SAD discharge values: 13
Number of SIC4DVar discharge values: 13

Locate integrator (MOI) discharge

Locate the integrator discharge produced for the algorithm for the reach of interest that has gauge data. As mentioned, we will use HiVDI for this demonstration.

def locate_moi_discharge(results, algorithm, reach_index, nonmissing_indexes):
    """Locate and return MOI results for specific algorithm."""

    moi_q = results["moi"][algorithm]["q"][reach_index][0]
    moi_q = moi_q[nonmissing_indexes]
    # Set missing MOI to NaN
    missing_moi = results["moi"][algorithm]["q"].missing_value
    moi_q[moi_q == missing_moi] = np.nan

    return moi_q
# Locate MOI discharge results for discharge algorithm making sure to filter out missing values

moi_hivdi = locate_moi_discharge(results, "hivdi", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes)
print(f"Number of integrator HiVDI discharge values: {len(moi_hivdi)}.")

# MetroMan
moi_metro = locate_moi_discharge(results, "metroman", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes)
print(f"Number of integrator MetroMan discharge values: {len(moi_hivdi)}.")

moi_momma = locate_moi_discharge(results, "momma", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes)
print(f"Number of integrator MOMMA discharge values: {len(moi_momma)}.")

# NeoBAM
moi_neo = locate_moi_discharge(results, "geobam", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes)
print(f"Number of integrator NeoBAM discharge values: {len(moi_neo)}.")

moi_sad = locate_moi_discharge(results, "sad", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes)
print(f"Number of integrator SAD discharge values: {len(moi_sad)}.")

# SIC4DVar
moi_sic = locate_moi_discharge(results, "sic4dvar", reach_q_index, nonmissing_indexes)
print(f"Number of integrator Sic4DVar discharge values: {len(moi_sic)}.")
Number of integrator HiVDI discharge values: 13.
Number of integrator MetroMan discharge values: 13.
Number of integrator MOMMA discharge values: 13.
Number of integrator NeoBAM discharge values: 13.
Number of integrator SAD discharge values: 13.
Number of integrator Sic4DVar discharge values: 13.

Locate overlapping observations

We will need to locate the discharge time series (FLPE and MOI) for the reach of interest and then determine if there are overlapping in situ observations with SWOT observations.

# Find overlapping time between in situ and SWOT observations
obs_overlap = list(set(discharge_time).intersection(set(gauge_time)))
print("Days of observation overlap: ", obs_overlap)

# Get indexes of overlap for gauge, algorithm and integrator
gauge_overlap_index = np.where(np.in1d(gauge_time, obs_overlap))[0]
gauge_overlap_index = gauge_overlap_index[6:]
discharge_overlap_index = np.where(np.in1d(discharge_time, obs_overlap))[0]
discharge_overlap_index = discharge_overlap_index[6:]
Days of observation overlap:  ['20230407', '20230408', '20230409', '20230410', '20230416', '20230417', '20230418', '20230419', '20230420', '20230422', '20230423', '20230424', '20230425']
# Retrieve time and discharge values for indexes
gauge_time = np.array(gauge_time)[gauge_overlap_index]
print("Gauge time: ", gauge_time)

gauge_discharge = np.array(gauge_discharge)[gauge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of Gauge discharge values: {gauge_discharge.shape[0]}")
Gauge time:  ['20230418' '20230419' '20230420' '20230422' '20230423' '20230424'
Number of Gauge discharge values: 7
# Retrieve swot time values
discharge_time = np.array(discharge_time)[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"SWOT time:\n", discharge_time)
SWOT time:
 ['20230418' '20230419' '20230420' '20230422' '20230423' '20230424'
# Retrieve discharge algorithm values

hivdi_q = hivdi_q[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of HiVDI discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

# MetroMan
metroman_q = metroman_q[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of MetroMan discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

momma_q = momma_q[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of MOMMA discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

# NeoBAM
neobam_q = neobam_q[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of NeoBAM discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

sad_q = sad_q[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of SAD discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")

# SIC4DVar
sic4dvar_q = sic4dvar_q[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of SIC4DVar discharge values: {hivdi_q.shape[0]}")
Number of HiVDI discharge values: 7
Number of MetroMan discharge values: 7
Number of MOMMA discharge values: 7
Number of NeoBAM discharge values: 7
Number of SAD discharge values: 7
Number of SIC4DVar discharge values: 7
# Retrieve MOI values

moi_hivdi = moi_hivdi[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of integrator HiVDI discharge values: {len(moi_hivdi)}.")

# MetroMan
moi_metro = moi_metro[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of integrator MetroMan discharge values: {len(moi_hivdi)}.")

moi_momma = moi_momma[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of integrator MOMMA discharge values: {len(moi_momma)}.")

# NeoBAM
moi_neo = moi_neo[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of integrator NeoBAM discharge values: {len(moi_neo)}.")

moi_sad = moi_sad[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of integrator SAD discharge values: {len(moi_sad)}.")

# SIC4DVar
moi_sic = moi_sic[discharge_overlap_index]
print(f"Number of integrator Sic4DVar discharge values: {len(moi_sic)}.")
Number of integrator HiVDI discharge values: 7.
Number of integrator MetroMan discharge values: 7.
Number of integrator MOMMA discharge values: 7.
Number of integrator NeoBAM discharge values: 7.
Number of integrator SAD discharge values: 7.
Number of integrator Sic4DVar discharge values: 7.

Plotting results for comparison

Let’s plot all discharge time series to better visualize the differences and compare the FLPE, MOI, and gauge discharge values.

def plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, discharge_q, color, name, line_list, line_list_names):
    """Plot discharge values and return list of plot lines."""

    if np.all(np.isnan(discharge_q)):
        return   # Cannot plot NaN values
        axs.scatter(discharge_time, discharge_q, color=color)
        if "MOI" in name:
            line, = axs.plot(discharge_time, discharge_q, color=color, linestyle="dashed")
            line, = axs.plot(discharge_time, discharge_q, color=color)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize = (25,6))

## Build legend data
line_list = []
line_list_names = []

## Gauge
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, gauge_discharge, "grey", "Gauge", line_list, line_list_names)

plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, hivdi_q, "blue", "HiVDI", line_list, line_list_names)
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, moi_hivdi, "blue", "MOI HiVDI", line_list, line_list_names)

plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, metroman_q, "orange", "MetroMan", line_list, line_list_names)
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, moi_metro, "orange", "MOI MetroMan", line_list, line_list_names)

plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, momma_q, "red", "MOMMA", line_list, line_list_names)
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, moi_momma, "red", "MOI MOMMA", line_list, line_list_names)

plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, neobam_q, "purple", "NeoBAM", line_list, line_list_names)
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, moi_neo, "purple", "MOI NeoBAM", line_list, line_list_names)

plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, sad_q, "goldenrod", "SAD", line_list, line_list_names)
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, moi_sad, "goldenrod", "MOI SAD", line_list, line_list_names)

plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, sic4dvar_q, "seagreen", "SIC4DVar", line_list, line_list_names)
plot_discharge(axs, discharge_time, moi_sic, "seagreen", "MOI SIC4DVar", line_list, line_list_names)

# Plot details
axs.legend(line_list, line_list_names, loc='center right')
axs.set_ylabel('Time', fontsize=10)
axs.set_xlabel('Discharge', fontsize=10)
axs.set_title('Discharge', fontsize=10)


Disclaimer: Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement by the United States Government or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.